Doctor Marketing

Ultimate Guide To Healthcare Content Marketing Tips, Examples, & Benefits

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A Note From Turnkey Mate

Compared to other industries, the healthcare industry has been lagging in adopting a strong content marketing approach. However, in the past three years (2017 – 2019), the implementation of content marketing for healthcare has increased by more than 26%.

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." - Henry Ford

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Henry Ford

What Is Healthcare Content Marketing?

Healthcare content marketing promotes brand awareness, in addition to patient engagement and retention. And as a digital marketing strategy, hospitals and healthcare providers will be able to engage and inform potential patients through valuable online content.

Why Content Marketing For Healthcare Is Essential

Content marketing is perfect for healthcare providers and hospitals. Through a strategy of creating and sharing authentic information, healthcare providers can achieve short-term and long-term business development goals. This means they can be viewed as a trusted and respected source within the industry with the expertise to cater to medical or health needs.

Healthcare Content Marketing Benefits

1. Improve Your Online Visibility

Good content can improve online visibility and search engine rankings, especially if you optimize your content with search engine optimization (SEO). Publishing new and expert information through content marketing in healthcare and using relevant keywords in the title, subheads, and elsewhere throughout your website text will significantly boost SEO.

2. Great Long-term ROI

Content creation offers good value for money. Estimates show that content creation is about 62% less expensive than traditional marketing options & generates about 3 times as many leads. 

3. Helps To Get More Leads

Content marketing will trigger more inbound leads and prospects. Direct inquiries, suitable sales leads, and prospects come naturally from the readers seeing good content on landing pages or website pages.

4. Reach A Qualified Audience

The target audience for healthcare-related content are individuals already seeking for your authoritative health or procedure-related information. Content marketing is an opportunity to position your brand in front of potential patients looking for your expertise. 

5. Become The Authority People Trust

Strategic information sharing through content on your website’s blog increases readership, especially if you become a trusted source people like to share. The types of content that work best are highly relevant and entertaining blogs that are well-positioned towards the medical needs of your desired audience.

Medical Content Marketing Tips For Healthcare Professionals

1. Understand The Importance Of Video

Studies estimate that most traffic online exists through video format. Therefore, the growing adoption of video by healthcare marketing is an efficient and effective means of telling the story behind your brand.

2. Think Audience First

Tailor your material to suit a certain audience or group that you want to engage and influence with time. Always remember to put their interests first.

3. Keep It Easy To Understand

The best healthcare content marketing materials are presented in conversational tones with people-oriented story-telling to explain complex issues easier. Physicians need to make their messaging more digestible so that everyone in your audience can relate to your points better.

4. Be Patient

Results from content marketing are not immediate. It requires growth in audience size and their level of acceptance. However, to increase your traffic, each post can be paired with traditional (and more instant) advertising methods such as Google Ads, depending on the marketing objectives.

5. Post Content Consistently

In content marketing, your value derives from being a reliable and consistent brand providing fresh material and regular updates. Start with minimal effort that can be sustained and built upon over time.

Effective Content Marketing Strategies For Healthcare

1. Create Sharable Content

Medical content creation requires that you imagine yourself in the same situation as a patient. Potential patients want answers to questions about their health, how to stay healthy, and professional advice on living with a specific ailment.

2. Post The Latest Industry News

Your patients expect you to have the latest information about medical breakthroughs and other advances in medical science. Creating newsworthy content ensures that you attract visitors to your site, build authority, and engender trust from your audience. Try posting up to date blog or social media posts as often as you can.

3. Be Niche-Specific

Every doctor has an area of expertise or niche that they focus on. Before you start going over your healthcare content marketing strategy with a digital marketing agency, you should identify your focus area and the core issues within that niche. You can then create content based on your findings.

Healthcare Content Marketing Examples

Example 1: J&J | Campaign for Nursing’s Future

After experts forecasted a nationwide shortage of nurses by 2020, Johnson & Johnson came up with a campaign to grow the Nursing industry’s future.

The long-running social media campaign features articles, podcasts, training, and other resources to support nurses. This is the perfect example of running a digital campaign for a cause. As a result, it is projected that there will be a steady increase in the nursing workforce through 2030.

Example 2: Mayo Clinic | Sharing

Mayo Clinic, a leading player in healthcare content marketing, runs a blog that provides extensive information to patients. The blog contains topics from diagnoses, treatment plans, and medical research.

The great thing about Mayo Clinic’s online library is that the content is provided by the hospital’s patients and staff from across the world. These contributors tap into their own experiences in dealing with various health issues to provide authoritative content with a personal touch. By implementing this type of content strategy, Mayo Clinic’s website provides online community support for patients and the general public.

Example 3: AbbVie | Scientist Rock!

AbbVie runs an exceptional Q&A series known as Scientists Rock!, which covers the personal passion of different employees every month. Through this type of content, experts get to talk about their sources of inspiration for the work they do.

This gives the audience a peek into the lives of these scientists in a way that’s fun and manageable. It’s humane and enlightening.

Moreover, the content presents AbbVie as a lively and engaging company with employees who find meaning and beauty in the world.

Reach More Patients Online With Content Marketing!

Our team is available to support you by generating more online visibility for your medical services.

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Best Tips On How To Get More Patients To Grow Your Practice

how to get more patients

A Note From Turnkey Mate

51% of patients say they feel more valued when clinics use digital health communications. This statistic from TeleVox shows that the best way to attract new and maintain current patients is by developing an online reputation amongst them. Therefore, it is time to strengthen your online presence to ensure that your practice is reaching the most amount of people as possible. Clinics or practices can attract new patients by improving their website and online marketing strategy.

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” - Henry Ford

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Henry Ford

1. How Do You Get More Patients To Your Medical Practice?

How to get more patients into your dental practice or medical practice is a process with several steps. First, you need to get initial people for your practice and acquire a nice base. Then, you need to turn your new signups into loyal and consistent visitors to your clinic. Finally, how to get new patients from here could be to refer potential leads to the online reviews of your existing patients. By using an excellent online marketing strategy with your practice and treating your existing patients well, you can grow your practice through organic word of mouth marketing from existing patients talking about your medical practice. 

Get More Patients By Understanding Their Needs & Expectations

To get more patients into your practice, begin by asking your existing patients what they need and expect from your services. Provide current and prospective patients with an online survey on your website to see what your visitors are looking for. You should also read online reviews from those who visited your practice. These reviews can be found on online review websites or your Google My Business listing. By being proactive with your reviews, you can learn where your practice can improve for all your visitors.

2. How To Get More Patients To Leave Reviews?

How to get more patients to review your practice involves creative marketing tactics. If you need more patients to leave reviews about your practice, try to show a short advertisement within your waiting area. The commercial or advertisement could be a story about how a patient helped someone new find your medical services, which will emotionally trigger them to act the same. These short advertisements can help build awareness for your services by showing visitors in your area how they can benefit from your practice.

Another tactic of how to get patients to review your practice on your website can be to offer referral bonuses such as discounts or free services. Make sure also to ask your new patients directly to leave an online review on your website for site visitors to see. Medical practices can facilitate this process by sending a direct link to individuals to post a review right after they exit your office. By following through with his strategy, you can help your practice increase the chances of receiving more online reviews to your website or Google My Business listing.

Monitor Your Clinic’s Online Presence

Scour every online review website for information & comments left by new patients about your practice. Respond to each of the reviews left on these websites. By being proactive, you can turn positive patient reviews into free online marketing towards individuals browsing the internet for your services. 

Make sure to also respond to any negative reviews. When it comes to responding to negative reviews, attempt to make the best out of them, respond to each review to find the reason for the complaint and try to resolve it. When responding to negative patient reviews, highlight how your practice values them as a patient. If the review turns into an issue that is brought up frequently, make sure to follow up with the negative review by providing information on the steps you took to resolve the issue.

3. Stay Active On Social Media

Online marketing is not just about your practice having a website for people to visit–it’s about your practice having a comprehensive online presence so that prospective patients can find your practice easier through social media and local Google searches. Social media is a great online marketing tool to get more patients and to grow your practice.

If a clinic or practice is active on their social media accounts, you will give your patients the option to like or share your content. Therefore, your content will be seen by their social circle, and it will create more traffic to your site and generate leads that can become patients. The trick is to share informational content that is relevant to your target users so that more potential patients can feel motivated to share your content.

Keep Consistent Branding To Create Instant Recognition

Your practice will be marketing to potential patients on more than just one online website. When potential patients use a search engine to find your practice, they’ll see the website of your practice, your social media website with comments from other patients, and reviews from patients about your practice. Make sure that your practice has a consistent marketing strategy for patients on each site. That way, potential patients will recognize your practice on every website they see you.

With so many different platforms to showcase your medical practice, your message can become inconsistent across the various mediums. Your professional medical branding should be uniform across all areas, including both print and online. By implementing consistent branding, it will help develop and increase trust in the medical community. If other referring practices and patients can distinguish your name or logo from others, these individuals are more likely to connect with you for their needs.

4. Expand Your Clinic’s Online Presence & Authority

Expand the marketing of your medical practice and attract new patients through internet marketing solutions such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing ads, and blogging. An actionable marketing strategy to implement towards getting more patients for your practice is to be marketing your practice to patients on as many listing platforms and local directories as possible.

Once your listing profile is complete, all business details of your practice will be visible to everyone in your area and more. Prospective local patients will be able to locate your medical practice and get the contact details that they need. One of the benefits of using local directories is that you can use their service provided for free, and your practice will be listed in multiple search engines. Some local directories that your medical practice should use are Google Places, Yahoo Local, and Bing Places. Create your profile and follow the steps to get your practice registered.

Implement A CRM For Best ROI Tracking

Successful marketing your practice to patients requires you to track the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing strategies. This will show you how effective each marketing strategy is at attracting new patients to your practice and whether or not the marketing strategy is worth paying for. Each medical practice should consider the following questions to help determine if they are getting the most from their marketing efforts: what percentage of leads became a customer?; what is your percentage growth last year?

To track accurate marketing ROI for your medical practice, set a specific marketing goal, and follow the progress towards achieving this goal within a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. Marketing CRM software for medial practices or clinics allows your team to easily keep track of every contact and related patient data associated with the stage of a patient’s buyer’s journey.

Medical office reps that use CRM software will see when a contact visited your company website or if they spoke with another member of your sales team. Reps can also log notes from their calls or email interactions with their contacts and leads. All information is stored and always searchable within the CRM Software.

Ready To Get More Patients In Your Practice?

Our team can introduce you to the best marketing tactics that will draw more new patients to your practice.

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